Exercise smart with Smart Knee Cap
In 2018 we had solution design as our compulsory course. In this course, we were required to work in a team and find a new challenge in the health industry that has not yet been addressed and design our own medical device to tackle this issue. After thorough research into the medical devices market and industry, we decide to design a Smart Knee Cap (SKC). This device was designed with the purpose of helping people (especially athletes) to avoid knee injuries while exercising. This product is particularly beneficial for people who suffer from chondromalacia and want to exercise at home without any professional supervision.
Chondromalacia is a common knee disease that is mainly caused by inappropriate movement of the knee while exercising. The wrong knee angle imposes pressure on the knee and causes degeneration of the cartilage. With the help of Smart Knee Cap young athletes can avoid knee injuries.
The project included nine main stages: brainstorming, preparation stage, list of components, programming, circuit implementation of a breadboard, designing PCB, final implementation, and designing a circuit box. I have designed a website that covers the whole project process. If you want to know more about our project click on SKC link.
The most important skill that I acquired during this project are as follows:
How to work in a team
Time management
How to tackle stressful situations and work under pressure and stress
How to design a circuit box with TINKERCAD
How to work with Arduino